“Asimov, Bradbury and Clarke may have laid the foundation, but we’ll always need visionaries and creators – essential for the future. Gareth Mitton is both of these things.”

Bill Arnott, The Miramichi Reader - Pedestal (Engen Books) review - May 10, 2020.

Hello. I’m Gareth Mitton, writer and creative type. Welcome to my website. Some of my fiction work is now available for purchase. If you’d like to learn more about me and my creations, stay a while and have a look around.

Here, I was the little one and I could feel the hulking strength of the city beneath my feet. It manifested itself as a sound in the silence. Well, in my head I guess, but if I looked out into that blue-purple haze I could definitely hear the groaning, deep creaking voice of the city.

- A bit from Pedestal, a science fiction novel.

Friedrich…peeled open one eyelid and then the other, dispensing the two drops the capsule was specifically designed to deliver to each eye. He stayed, head back for a moment, afraid to move until he was sure the bugs had passed his lacrimal caruncle, permeating the sclera and sinking back to unite with the pre-existing tech in his retina, macula, and optic nerve.

- A bit from Watcher, a science fiction short story included in this collection.

Lights flickered. Breath frozen. Flashing dark. Distant sound? Maybe close. Awful sound. Bitter. Biting. Buzzing interspersed with dark voices. A million voices fighting for audibility. Like all those lost souls screaming from hell.

- A bit from Distant, a novelette. 

I wrote much of this book…during the evenings, partly because of the butterflies and the wizards, but mainly because, by day, I was using my clear, rational brain to keep my business going. My clients deserved to be my priority and receive the benefits of my clearest mind…and you, my little book munchkins, deserve my fuzzy brain blabber. Because it’s more fun to read. 

- A bit from Creativity Unboxed, a non-fiction eBook about the creative process.